so i had a lot of good ideas for my elements and i got together with falussy and we both had an idea what elements we wanted to do so dividing them wasnt a big deal, jon said that after he chose he thought mine were easier to represent and i agreed, i was wrong. i went to walmart and picked up some sharpies (i liked using them best but i only had thick red blue and black, i wanted some diversity in my sharpie selection) jon and i met at his house one saturday and started painting our strips. after i had used all my good ideas in the first 20 frames of the strip, i just sat there waiting for inspiration to hit me. it didnt. but i kept working and eventually i worked through the artist block. i knew i wanted to use the magazine transfer as well as background to my painting so after the fire painting was done i left and got to thinking how i would paint the water element.
so there i was, at the hospital waiting for the birth of my son, oliver, filmstrip stretched out, markers strewn about and this is the environment that the water element was painted. i had used animation and abstraction, all the while knowing that i would have the magazine transfer element to add as well. i finished the water aspect and focused on my family. very happy in the fact that i was already almost done. oliver was born 8 lb 4 oz and 21 inches long and proj 1 was put on hold for a little while.
interior my garage, late evening, i had chosen my water (a fergie from the blackeyed peas article where they took pic of her in the pool) and the fire was gold jewelry (i liked the spacing and the natural fire of the gold element) i later found out from andre that putting them on the opposite side of the painting works best. but not knowing this i kept working and the transparency was nice so i didnt worry about it. after the fire was done, baby was awake so i had a 2 hr hiatus, and the water grew cold in the dark garage. i came back and freshened the water and started the water element magazine transfer. i hung them up to dry and went to deep dark sleep.
class was soon to begin and the 16 mm projector's lamp grew hot, i waited anxiously for my group's turn (jon had put his elements together on his own so our collaborative efforts included just one element and the rest we did solo) our film flickered and it was pretty good. my strip performed and i saw things i would do different (placement of the transfer) but i also think i would like to view it after i ran it through after effects and slowed it down, i think my items were too frequent. i want to run it again through the projector with some of the transfers taken off so i could possibly view the animations solo and check their performance. my creation of the strip went perfectly but the execution could be improved or altered slightly to create a better environment to view the intricacies of my artwork.
very cool experience tho and one i will use again...on to the next project